MOAT API with Python

How to pull data from the MOAT API using Python

Published 2021-01-04

Using the MOAT API is fairly straightforward.

Grab API token and test

Ask your MOAT account manager for an API token (it will be a long series of letters and numbers). With this token we can then pull data from the MOAT API. As far as I know the token doesn’t expire so treat it like a password.

Test your token here: Moat Analytics API Documentation


After entering your API token, you’ll see a list of datasets (MOAT calls them tiles in their own UI) that you have access to.

MOAT API datasets

The datasets will have this form:
  • Tile/Dataset Name (id: 123456)
  • etc

Where the id number is our Brand ID.

The two variables we’ll use from here are the Token and the Brand ID.

Make API calls

import requests
import datetime
import pandas as pd

# set our variables
# Token from MOAT account manager
TOKEN = 'your token here'
# Brand ID from after entering in token
# is an int
BRAND_ID = yourbrandid
# Sliding window more relevant once we grab data periodically
# pick the metrics and dimenions we want here
METRICS = (['date','level1','level2','level3','level4',
# MOAT uses the same URL with GET requests only
URL = ''
# The header is also simply the bearer token
HEADER = {'Authorization':f'Bearer {TOKEN}'}

# sliding window size
yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
start_date = (yesterday - datetime.timedelta(days=SLIDING_WINDOW))
yesterday_text = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
start_date_text = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

# query is made from our above variables
    'metrics': ','.join(METRICS),
    'start': start_date_text,
    'end': yesterday_text,
    'brandId': BRAND_ID

# GET request here
response = requests.get(url=URL,

# response.json() looks like this:
#{'query': {'metrics': 'date,level1,level2,level3,level4,
# slicer1,slicer2,x_y,os_browser,impressions_analyzed,
# 1_sec_in_view_impressions,measurable_impressions',
#  'start': '2020-12-21',
#  'end': '2020-12-28',
#  'brandId': 'yourbrandid'},
# 'results': {'summary': {'measurable_impressions': 1463127,
#   '1_sec_in_view_impressions': 446770,
#   'impressions_analyzed': 1463127},
#  'details': [{'date': '2020-12-21',
#    'measurable_impressions': 100024,
#    'level1_id': 'yourcampaignid',
#    'level2_id': 'yoursiteid',
#    'level3_id': 'yourplacementid',
#    'level4_id': 'yourcreativeid',
#    'os_browser': 'iPhone-App,etc',
#    'slicer1_id': 'yourdomainid',
#    'slicer2_id': 'yoursubdomainid',
#    'x_y': '320_575',
#    'level1_label': 'yourcampaignname',
#    'level2_label': 'yoursitename',
#    'level3_label': 'yourplacementname',
#    'level4_label': 'yourcreativename',
#    'slicer1_label': 'yourdomain',
#    'slicer2_label': 'BRAND_AWARENESS',
#    '1_sec_in_view_impressions': 32687,
#    'impressions_analyzed': 100024},
#    {next row},
#    {next row},
#    ...
#  ]},
# 'data_available': False}


Output looks like this, as all the data we need is nested inside ‘results’ then ‘details’.

MOAT API datasets

Our data is now ready to use elsewhere. Good luck!

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Jason is a technologist. He codes and writes about it. He's on a mission to help the world one tech guide at a time.