google bigquery python cover

Connecting to Google BigQuery using Python

Published 2021-01-05

At the end of this tutorial weā€™ll be able to perform CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) actions with Python on data inside Google BigQuery. Using a service account, preparing the code for another cloud service to use in production will be a smooth next step.

Why did I choose BigQuery?

Iā€™m a fan of products that can auto scale and that have a generous free tier. A few years ago when I first tried Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), I got a better feel for GCP so decided to start learning on it. At the time of writing, there also isnā€™t a free tier for any SQL databases on AWS.

Why use Python with BigQuery?

Pulling data from the internet is likely possible with Python or Javascript. Python is a bit easier for me. It makes sense to store our data somewhere durable and easily accessible for later.

GCP / BigQuery Setup

New Project

Once youā€™ve signed up to GCP. Youā€™ll set up a project.

Google Cloud Platform Click New Project

Give the project a fun name! I find the auto-generated ID names pretty interesting (what a time to be alive haha).

Google Cloud Platform name the project
I'm going to use my existing WVC Learning Project. Next we'll need to set up a service account to authenticate. A service account is a set of credentials made for machine-to-machine communication, so our completed system will be hands free šŸ‘‹

Enable BigQuery API

Head to API & Services > Dashboard

GCP API & Services > Dashboard

Click Enable APIS and Services

GCP Enable APIs and Services

Search BigQuery

GCP Search BigQuery API

Enable BigQuery API. Mine says Manage because Iā€™ve already enabled it, but yours should say ā€œEnableā€.

GCP Enable BigQuery API

Create Service Account

In the left menu head to APIs & Services > Credentials

GCP APIs & Services > Credentials

Create Credentials > Service Account

GCP Create Service Account

Part 1. Service Account Details

GCP Service Account Config 1

Part 2. Service Account Project Access

This step grants the service account access to parts of the project. We should select at least ā€œBigQuery Userā€. Type it into the Role Filter as there are too many Roles to scroll through. What I found a bit deceptive is that any of the ā€œProjectā€ level roles which have ā€œSome amountā€ of access to all resources, donā€™t have access to BigQuery.

GCP Service Account Config 2

Part 3. Service Account User Access

This step allows users to have access to this service account.

GCP Service Account Config 3

Our Service Account now shows up on the list. Now we want to create a key. Click the name of the service account or the edit pencil.

GCP Service Account List

Click Add Key > Choose JSON > Click Create

GCP Create Key

Download the private key. Weā€™ll use this later.

GCP Download Private Key

Inside the JSON file has this structure:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "your project id",
  "private_key_id": "your private key id",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "your client",
  "client_id": "your client id",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

With this JSON key weā€™re now ready to use the API.

Google Colab Setup

The way I typically teach Python is using Google Colab Notebooks. Colab gives us a free cloud Virtual Machine (VM) to play with. The VM you get is randomly provisioned but comes with the following or similar specifications, which is plenty for learning. The free version can run for a maximum of 12 hours, so we wonā€™t be able to do anything production worthy here.

  • Python 3+, many libraries pre-installed and Googleā€™s version of Jupyter Notebook/Lab

  • 1 CPU (2 cores)

  • 12GB+ RAM

  • 60GB+ SSD

  • If you need them:

    • GPU: Possibility of getting Nvidia K80s, T4s, P4s and P100s
    • TPU

Create a new notebook, save it in Google Drive or Github.

Google Colab New Notebook

Once you create your new Notebook. In the left menu of Google Colab, upload your JSON key file that we just downloaded. Iā€™ve renamed mine to hide my project id.

Google Colab Upload JSON Key File

Weā€™re now ready to write our code.

The Python Part

Check the path of our JSON key file. In production we might store it somewhere besides the root folder.

import os
# we can see our key file is in our root directory
# output:
# ['.config', 'jason2021-key.json', 'sample_data']

Authenticate and import libraries

# import libraries
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from import bigquery
# I like pandas gbq because it can infer schema
import pandas_gbq

# path to your json key file
KEY_PATH = "jason2021-key.json"

# read the credentials from our file
# scopes are not necessary because we defined them in GCP already
CREDS = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(KEY_PATH)

# the client object will be used to interact with BQ
client = bigquery.Client(credentials=CREDS, project=CREDS.project_id)

Weā€™re going to explore the Hacker News stories public data set. Which is simply a table of articles from the Hacker News website.


The BigQuery API passes SQL queries directly, so youā€™ll be writing SQL inside Python.

# Our SQL Query
Q1 = """
FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.stories`
LIMIT 1000
# labelling our query job
query_job1 = client.query(Q1)

# results as a dataframe
df1 = query_job1.result().to_dataframe()

My output below, your data may differ as Iā€™ve selected 1000 entries in no particular order.

BigQuery Hacker News Data

If youā€™d like to browse all the BigQuery Public data sets you can add them into your BigQuery project by clicking the following link Pin BigQuery Public Data Sets. Now you can browse them all in your ā€œResourcesā€ section. The below screenshot shows a query from the Covid19 dataset for new cases in Australia and the top few datasets in the public data project, the screenshot is unrelated to our work on the Hacker News dataset.

BigQuery Public Data Example

Create / Write

The hierarchy of BigQuery resources is Project > Dataset > Table.

In the above Example:

  • Project = bigquery-public-data
  • Dataset = covid19_open_data
  • Table = covid19_open_data

The structure of the query inside BigQuery platform contains reference to the whole hierarchy, but when we reference a query in Python via the API, we only need to the Dataset and Table because we reference the Project in the client() object.

Here weā€™ll create a new dataset and table inside our Project. The reason we use the pandas_gbq library is because it can imply the schema of the dataframe weā€™re writing. If we used the regular biquery.Client() library, weā€™d need to specify the schema of every column, which is a bit tedious to me.

# CREATE / WRITE -- pandas gbq implies schema
# if_exists options = 'fail', 'replace' or 'append'

DATASET_NAME = 'test_dataset'
TABLE_NAME = 'hacker_news_table'


# output is just the time it took
# 1it [00:03,  3.55s/it]

And when we check BigQuery

BigQuery New Dataset and Table


Update is part of the DML (Data Manipulation Language) bit of SQL which include Insert, Delete, Merge, etc. Our first step is reading our table, not the table in the public dataset.

# before update we should read from our data from our dataset
# not the public dataset
# Our SQL Query
Q2 = f"""
LIMIT 1000
# labelling our query job
query_job2 = client.query(Q2)

# results as a dataframe
df2 = query_job2.result().to_dataframe()

# we're going to update a certain author's scores

# Output:
Our Dataset Filtered by Author

We're going to +4 to Perceivedstyle's score.
# UPDATE query
Q3 = f"""
  SET score = score + 4
  WHERE author = 'Perceivedstyle'

query_job3 = client.query(Q3) 
# response doesn't return anything
response = query_job3.result()

# to check we have to make another query
# we use the same query Q2 which is just selecting our data
query_job2a = client.query(Q2)
# call our new result df2a
df2a = query_job2a.result().to_dataframe()
# use the same filter to see our update

And the result we see our authorā€™s score go from 1 to 5.

Our Dataset Filtered by Author +4


Iā€™ll go through deleting rows and deleting a table. First, deleting rows, say we donā€™t like posts talking about DVDs.

# Display our data relating to DVDs
Our Dataset Title Contains DVD

# DELETE rows query
Q4 = f"""
  WHERE title like '%DVD%'

# run the query
query_job4 = client.query(Q4)

# refreshing our data in Python
query_job2b = client.query(Q2)
# call our latest update df2b
df2b = query_job2b.result().to_dataframe()
# Use the same filter to view our data
# Output is now empty
Our Dataset Title Contains DVD no data

Now for deleting a table:

# not_found_ok=False is the default
# this setting will throw an error if there's no such table found to delete
# we set it to True so the command will run and avoid that error halting our code if need be
query_job5 = client.delete_table(f'{DATASET_NAME}.{TABLE_NAME}', not_found_ok=True)

Now we see no table under our test_dataset. We can delete the test_dataset too but Iā€™ll leave that to you to look up.

BigQuery deleted table

We can now perform CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) actions on BigQuery with Python šŸŽ‰

Let me know if youā€™d like to see more examples.

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Jason is a technologist. He codes and writes about it. He's on a mission to help the world one tech guide at a time.